Sunday, July 26, 2009

Relationships: Part I of V

On the note of relationships, I have wanted to try and break down the different phases that one couple goes through just to get to a point where they feel comfortable. I call it the Phase V Process. Although not guaranteed to always follow in this sequence, I find it to be pretty damn enlightening to any given situation.

Phase I: Search and Seek

The first obvious step of any relationship is to search out and seek the person that you would like to pursue. This can be in a numerous amount of venues, at different times, in different states of mind. All of these have to be in line with what you truly want, or you will end up with either another night of bad memories, a disease you may not want, or a baby that you will have to take care of. In any case, the Search and Seek is crucial to you finding the person you want to be with.

In many cases, people find that having alcohol in their system's makes this process seemingly easier. This is very dependent on the situation, but 7 times out of 10 it will be a better idea to have no alcohol in your system. Although a drunken mind speaks sober thoughts, your thoughts may come out as unattractive ever for a potential person. Likewise, if alcohol is affecting the awesomeness that the person you would like to pursue truly is, they will be incredibly unattractive. Drunks will find drunks, this is proven.

In the Search and Seek phase, you must be conscious of what you want and desire. HAVE GUIDELINES, not necessarily expectations.

In the Search and Seek phase, you may be flippant and selective. This is the point: to get out there, to see what is available, and to analyze others while simultaneously analyzing yourself. It is the best and worst stage all in one. Some say its a rush, others complain that it is a pain in the ass.

You may feel, at some points, that there are too many options available. If this is the case, you need to make an evaluative decision on which seems to be the best match up for you. If you try to play multiple people, chances are you are going to not only get exhausted, but also burned. It is not recommended if you are serious about going through with the other phases effortlessly.

Different venues include bars, cafes, mutual outings with friends, dance clubs, sporting events, concerts, and the list can go on. The venue sets the genre of people you are after. Keep that in mind.

All in all, the Search and Seek is the most crucial step, and will be the building block for everything that is to come with you and your potential candidate.

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